Pulse Survey 2024 Blockchain for financial service providers
The Blockchain for Financial Service Providers 2024 pulse check provides a deeper insight into the topic of blockchain for financial service providers.
The overall economic costs associated with point-of-sale payments in Switzerland are by no means negligible. The resource costs amounted to around CHF 7.3 billion. This corresponded to 0.95 per cent of gross domestic product.
A spatial Analysis of Cash Access Points in Switzerland. How far and how long does it take the Swiss population to get to the nearest ATM or bank branch?
Selected publications in the topic area of digital ecosystems and platform economies
Chatbots verändern die Bankenwelt
Virtuelle Sprachassistenten im Banking sind im Kommen. Studien der Uni St. Gallen zeigen:
Junge vertrauen eher der Empfehlung eines Chatbots als einem Finanzberater aus Fleisch und
Blut. Doch dieses Vertrauen kann missbraucht werden.