Entrepreneurial Finance

Prof. Dr. Petrit Ademi

Petrit Ademi is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurial Finance at the Center for Financial Services Innovation (FSI-HSG) and the School of Management (SoM-HSG) at the University of St. Gallen. His research focuses on corporate venture capital and entrepreneurial decision-making. In particular, he focuses on issues around decision-making from an investor and venture perspective, the design and impact of investment practices, and the role of digital technologies in the formation and integration phases of investment partnerships. Petrit previously worked as a research assistant and postdoctoral researcher at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, and was a visiting researcher at Babson College, USA, as part of his PhD. He studied at Lancaster University Management School and DHBW Stuttgart and worked for KPMG and IBM.

Selected research

  • Ademi, P., Schuhmacher, M.C., & Zacharakis, A.L. (2022). “Evaluating Affordance-Based Opportunities: A Conjoint Experiment of Corporate Venture Capital Managers’ Decision-Making”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (FT 50, VHB-Jourqual: A)

Publications and Vita

Petrit Ademi

Prof. Dr.

Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurial Finance

Büro 24-2-215
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St Gallen
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Büro 24-2-215
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St Gallen

