Private Markets

Prof. Dr. Stefan Weik

Stefan Weik is Assistant Professor of Private Markets at the Center for Financial Services Innovation (FSI-HSG) and the School of Finance (SoF-HSG) at the University of St.Gallen. His research focuses on the investment behaviour, performance and real economic consequences of private equity and venture capital investments. Stefan studied at the Technical University of Dresden and completed his doctorate and post-doc at the Technical University of Munich. He has worked for equation AG, zeb Consulting, Deloitte and Deutsche Bank. His research on venture capital is cited in the current start-up strategies of the German government and the European Commission.

Selected research

  • Weik, S., Achleitner, A.-K., & Braun, R. (2024). „Venture Capital and the International Relocation of Startups”. Research Policy, 53 (7).

Publications and Vita

Stefan Weik

Prof. Dr.

Assistant Professor

Büro 52-6102
Müller-Friedbergstrasse 6/8
9000 St Gallen
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Büro 52-6102
Müller-Friedbergstrasse 6/8
9000 St Gallen

