Corporate Taxation
International Tax Law
Tax Law
BLaw University of Bern (2008)
MLaw University of Bern (2009)
Dr. iur. University of Zurich (2011)
Cert. Tax Expert (2014)
2022-2024 ESG Tax Expert, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York
2011-2022 Associate/Counsel at Walder Wyss Ltd.
Since 2016 Adjunct Research Fellow IBFD, Amsterdam
Since 2021 Editor IFF Forum für Steuerrecht
2016 - 2020 Executive Director LL.M./CAS International Tax Law UZH
2014 - 2016 Post-Doc Researcher IBFD, Amsterdam
2010 - 2011 Guest Researcher Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, WU Wien
2008 - 2011 Assistent/Student Assistent to Prof. Dr. Madeleine Simonek
2007 - 2008 Student Assistent Prof. Dr. Axel Tschentscher
Visiting lecturer / visiting professor
University of Cape Town (spring semester 2015)
Sorbonne Law School (fall semester 2020)
University of California, Irvine (Visiting Researcher)
Insper, São Paulo (spring semester 2024)
WU Wien (spring semester 2024)
BI Norwegian Business School (fall semester 2024)
International Fiscal Association
Swiss Association of Tax Law Professors
European Association of Tax Law Professors
International Law Association
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft
D-A-CH Steuerausschuss
Editor IFF Forum für Steuerrecht
Peer Reviewer World Tax Journal
Peer Reviewer Intertax